The classroom depicted in this video is innovative and certainly a lot different than any math class I have ever taken. While there is a place for traditional mathematics teaching, having lessons where students are involved and the students can see math in a new way is an integral part of being an effective teacher. One thing that particularly stuck out to me was the teacher's introduction to algebra within the context of a class that had nothing to do with algebra. In fact, the students probably won't see algebra for another year or so. Introducing students to concepts like variables early in their life makes the transition into using the variables a lot easier. When I was in school when a new concept was brought up out of nowhere it would always be scary and hard to understand; we were caught off guard. However, when I had previously seen something used - even if I didn't fully understand the concept yet - I felt that twinge of recognition and it gave me the confidence to think I could probably learn this concept pretty easily. Additionally, seeing the concept in use before learning exactly how to use it gives motivation for learning it. Knowing that what you are learning has come up earlier gives the impression that this concept is probably important and will be used again, and this is great motivation for students to actually want to learn something.
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