This project is a good way to show students that math problems exist in popular culture and can be done just for the fun of it. It’s also a chance for students to pick a problem of their own choosing that will hopefully be a fun challenge for them and not just another problem where they aren’t interested in the answer (except that it’s correct). One of the great things about the problems in Scientific American is that they are phrased in a way where you are actually interested in finding the answer. During class it’s hard to make questions that are interesting for students, and showing them that they can actually find math problems that are “fun” will hopefully improve their opinion of math and willingness to engage in the learning of it. While I was finding the solution to the problem, I wondered how easily I would be able to find the solution if I were still in high school and didn’t have a degree in mathematics. If I assigned this project to students I would worry that the problem they pick might be so hard that they get the impression that math is just something that they will never be able to understand and use fully. On the other hand, picking problems for the students doesn’t allow them to find problems that are interesting to them and takes away a lot of the benefit of the project.
I would most likely use this project as an enrichment assignment to be completed between units, since there is no specific topic that is being used or learned here, it’s simply a general interest project. It would be fun to have everyone present their project, but I don’t know if I would have the time to spend doing in-class presentations. Instead, maybe I would have them create a poster and put the posters up in the classroom. Another thing I could do if I had one class to spare is make this the basis of an in-class math fair where everyone would create a booth and go from group to group trying to solve the other problems.
To put together a math fair I could modify this project so that the end result is a booth rather than a report and poster. If the students were not in grade 12, I could adapt the project so that I choose a number of problems that I know are solvable for their grade level and allow them to choose only from my selection of problems. Another idea would be if I had a grade 12 class and a lower grade class (grade 8-9) I could assign this project to the grade 12’s, have them make a booth with tools to allow anyone to solve the problem and bring the finished projects to my grade 8-9 class for the students to work on. I could make part of my evaluation of the grade 12’s that they present the problem in a way that is understandable and solvable for a grade 8 class.
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